There are rooms for non-smokers at the hotel. Cozy conference halls can become a wonderful variant for a small meeting, presentation or training. There is a garden next to the hotel. The residents can have such a service as car rental. Among other services at the hotel - delivery of food and drinks to a room. Guests can eat at the hotel's restaurant. Free access to the Internet is provided. There is a fitness center on the territory where you can exercise with fitness equipment. There is a parking lot for car owners. Tourists can pay using these types of payment cards: American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club, Discover.
Accommodation staff is fluent in Spanish, English.
For tourists, it is proposed 4 rooms in the hotel. Guests can choose from different types of rooms: twin, double, single. A wide range of facilities is offered here: telephone, air conditioning, hairdryer, refrigerator, desk, ironing facilities, free toiletries.
Here is a lot of rooms with view.
Amenities and Features
Air Conditioning
Family Rooms
Free WiFi
Private Parking
Room Service
Transfer to the airport
Wheelchair Access