Hotel Quinta Avenida features and infrastructure
A common kitchen is equipped for the guests which has everything you might need for cooking or storing food. An important advantage of the hotel is a round-the-clock reception desk. Guests are provided with Internet access. There are family rooms provided which are equipped with everything necessary for staying with kids. There is a shared lounge where you can talk to other guests, watch TV or read. Travellers can pay for services using these types of payment cards: Visa, Mastercard.
Accommodation staff is fluent in Spanish, English.
Room info
For tourists, accommodation are offered 4 rooms in the hotel. The following categories of rooms are available for travellers: quadruple, triple, twin, double. Here are proposed facilities such as hairdryer, free toiletries, flat-screen tv.
Amenities and Features
Air Conditioning
Family Rooms
Free WiFi
Private Parking
Room Service
Transfer to the airport
Wheelchair Access