Hotel Ambassador facilities and services
Guests are supplied with access to the Internet. There is a car rental service for the guests. There is an elevator provided for the guests' convenience. Car owners have parking lots. There are non-smoking rooms provided. You can use the shuttle service from/to the airport. You can order packed lunches to go. The front desk works round the clock. You can enjoy a delicious meal and rest at the restaurant. Travellers can pay using these types of bank cards: American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Discover.
Staff talks in Spanish, English.
Room information
You can choose one of the 7 rooms in the hotel. Guests can choose between different types of rooms: suite, triple, double, single, twin/double. Guests can count on such amenities as safety deposit box, telephone, air conditioning, desk, free toiletries, flat-screen tv, computer.
You will like a city look from your window.
Amenities and Features
Air Conditioning
Family Rooms
Free WiFi
Private Parking
Room Service
Transfer to the airport
Wheelchair Access